Q:how does your product represent social group or issues? ANS: the media product we made is representing the social group of gender and age. we showed a teenage girl and the diverse issues teenagers have to face during these years of their lives, from trying to stay in touch with friends and fit in to having fell in love. teenagers go through a lot but most of the media products on a big scale show them as cranky, disrespectful and ungrateful which has created this idea in people"s minds as if they"re acting and that they really dont have any real issues to deal with provided that everything is taken care of by their parents and that they are just ungrateful. this represents teenage and the mental health issues they have to deal with which are often overlooked by everyone around. its a girl whos depressed which shows how they"re emotionally weak and get easily attached and emotional regaring everything, this music video also shows that she fell in love with a guy and now she has to deal with the consequences of him not being there anymore cause shes attached to him and now she's completely alone and while she was in love she lost all her friends as well so she's alone now. this is not the story of only one girl, most of the teenagers get affected by this at least once. so this is a very common situation and something which is really heartbreaking yet you have to live with it. the way shes crying and she falls to the ground in one of the shots shows how shes in a bad headspace and barely living at this point, this truly depicts what happpens in real life too when girls go through heartbreak and come back to no friends being there as well cause of them being unavailable before. our music video also had a scene where the girl is broken up with over the phone which shows how technology has made it so easy to get rid of relationships and just ghosting the other person. the music video starts with the girl shown as sad and depressed. basically, this video is representing this whole idea of having to keep up with friends and everything else and if you fail to do so you end up like the girl in the video. this is representing what teenagers usually go through and its hard dealing with stuff like this and makes people feel like they end up alone. moreover, the black and white color grading is especially done to give it a gloomy look and show how the girl is sad and depressed, this is also reflecting her state of mind and how her life is gloomy and colorless. this is also adding a dramatic effect while simultaneously helping the audience to relate with her situation.
